Market expands again on 25 July 2020

The recovery of Hexham Farmers’ Market is taking another step forward on Saturday 25 July, with the very welcome return of Cumberland Mustard, Northumbria Preserves and Stonehouse Smokery.  There will be 20 stalls in total covering just about all products that you might expect at a farmers’ market.

As is now becoming the norm, the market will be on two sides of Hexham Abbey as well on the Market Place and in fact there will be more stalls on the Abbey Flags than on the Market Place. Because of the larger area, you might not see the usual stalls in their familiar places, but chances are that they will be there somewhere: don’t go home empty handed, but ask one of the other stallholders or one of the stewards.

Face coverings became compulsory in shops and other enclosed public space on Friday 24 July. However, as Hexham farmers Market is not an enclosed space, face coverings are welcome, but not required. Our usual CV19 measures continue to apply: Please keep 2m apart, limit the number of people at a stall, regularly sanitise your hands and be patient. We look forward to seeing you there between 9am and 1.30pm.